Cute Paper Plate Christmas Tree Craft


We have been getting crafty making Christmas trees from paper plates, which will be ready all ready to get glittered and decorated at our craft table on Thursday at the Born To Be Wild Child Christmas Special @ The Ruby Lounge.

If you would like to make these at home with the wild ones they are super fun and easy to do- here’s how we made it and what is needed-


 ✨Paper Plate

✨Green Paint /Paint Brush


✨Glue / Hole Punch

✨Pom Poms/Foam Stickers/ Pipe Cleaners/Sparkly sequins/goggly eyes/Glitter and anything else you would like to use to decorate

1. Paint the paper plate green and leave to dry.

2. Once dry cut the plate into three sections, with one section being smaller than the others. If all cut evenly sized then just trim one down a bit.


3. Layer them together with the smallest on the top. Glue along the bottom of the the top two layers and stick them down or alternatively staple together.


4. Have fun decorating. The pipe cleaners cut looked fab for a smile and full for some tinsel. We tried to glue down the pipe cleaner with pva and a glue stick but neither would hold it in place , If you have a hot glue gun that will do the trick but ofcourse not advised with the little uns so we hole punched each corner and then twice in the middle section of the bottom layer then let our son Colt pull the pipe cleaner through. Easy peasy.

We cant wait to see the result on Thursday.


victoria black